Wednesday, July 25, 2012

August 13th is JD day!

Unless he decides to come earlier, Joshua David will enter the world on Monday, August 13th!!  I had an ultrasound yesterday and my doctor advised me to schedule to be induced at Week 39.  Turns out doctors don't schedule inductions on the weekend so instead of being born on Saturday, August 11 - Monday the 13th it will be.  We are so excited to meet Joshua in 19 days!  I will have one more ultrasound the week before the delivery to confirm Joshua is still looking good for an induction rather than a c-section.  Right now he only has one loop of mildly dilated intestine that has not worsened since the last ultrasound two weeks ago.  He has also gained 1 lb 2 oz so he now weighs in at 5 lbs 7oz.  This is really good news!  The one piece of negative news we received is that one of his kidneys is retaining fluid at a moderate level.  The doctor did not seem very concerned, he said it was not a reason to induce the baby sooner.  He also said whatever was causing the kidney to swell would likely resolve itself once the gastroschisis issue has been tended to.  We are scheduled to be at St. Mary's in Athens at 6 am to begin the (rather intimidating) induction process.  A specialized team will be present to transport Joshua to Children's in Decatur where he will be evaluated to see if he is a candidate for immediate closure surgery which is the best case scenario.  David will follow closely behind and I will join them hopefully the next day.  I can hardly imagine what an adventure we are about to begin and how immensely gratifying it will be to bring Joshua home after this process! 

1 comment:

  1. Kristi,
    Hey, this is Christelle. I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about your three every day. And if you need anything, and I do mean anything, please let me know. I will cook, clean, plan a girls day or fun night, whatever you need... We can't wait to meet Joshua!
