Thursday, May 17, 2012

One more ultrasound down

We had another ultrasound today and things are looking good.  The baby is growing at a normal rate and does not show any sign of intestinal distress.  I will have a steroid injection at my next ultrasound to help speed the baby's lung development along in case he comes early.  Gastroschisis babies are at risk of preterm labor and lung development is a major concern.  My doctor hopes I can make it to 39 weeks at which point they would either induce me or perform a c section.  Often times, however, babies begin showing signs of inflammation or cardiac stress after 32-34 weeks.  The amniotic fluid is irritating to the exposed intestines and can cause more damage so the doctor's want to get the baby out as soon as he is healthy enough to do so.  I will have weekly non stress tests once I get closer to full term to closely monitor the baby's health.