Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Like Clemens, no steroids for me!

We had an ultrasound this morning with our perinatologist and received very good news!  Our baby is growing at a normal rate, my amniotic fluid level is normal, his heart rate is good, his intestines are not showing any signs of inflammation, and he is no longer breech.  If everything continues along this path, the doctor now thinks I can carry to 39 weeks and have a vaginal delivery.  And he does not think it is necessary for me to receive the steroid injections I was supposed to get this week - woohoo!  So for now we are still dealing with a best case scenario for his condition which is wonderful.  I guess I need to take birthing classes after all - I had crossed those off my list when I thought a c section was inevitable.  I know we have a lot of people supporting us and we are so grateful for your prayers and positive energy!  Please keep them coming!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wow, nurses are amazing

We went on a tour of the Egleston NICU today.  I cannot say enough about how competent, caring, and dedicated the nursing staff is.  I know we will be in good hands and feel very reassured about possibly not being there for the first three days since I may be recovering from a c section.  We were able to see two gastroschisis babies, one who had received the closure surgery and one that was still waiting for his surgery.  To see how vulnerable and defenseless these little babies were brought tears to my eyes.  It was tough to see all of the different lines and tubes going in their tiny bodies, but it is good to be mentally prepared for what our little guy is in for.  The nurse who took us on the tour recommended we be prepared for at least a six week stay.  I say let's do this thing, bring it on!  I am ready to get the process started so we can bring our son home.  But, he needs to keep cooking for awhile so I have to be patient.