Sunday, August 4, 2013

The big 1st birthday and the best news ever!!

Joshua had a very big week, indeed!  Not only did he turn one, we also received the best news ever at his GI appointment on Friday.  Joshua thoroughly impressed the doctors with his weight gain and they decided to come down on his rate of fluids and talked about him coming off the fluids entirely at his next appointment on September 20th!!  He could have the broviac line removed about a month later so he may be line-free by Halloween!!!  I was completely stunned by this news, my mouth hit the floor several times during the conversation with the docs.  I was prepared and expecting another possible 6+ months of the IV fluids so imagining we could be done NEXT MONTH is shocking.  I am finding it all hard to process and I also don't want to get my hopes up too much because things can change so quickly with Joshua's condition.  We will keep hoping and dreaming that September 20th is the day Joshua no longer needs an IV. 

Yesterday we celebrated Joshua turning one with a family birthday party.  The birthday boy took a two hour nap beforehand and was a happy, partying little guy for almost 7 hours straight!  He had a lot of fun being the center of attention and receiving so many new, fun toys to play with.  Joshua loves to figure out new things.  It was very special to have all four of Joshua's great grandmothers on hand to celebrate!  The picture shoot with those four was quite a hoot :)

I want to say a special thank you to everyone who sent Joshua well wishes, cards, and gifts on his birthday.  It is incredibly comforting to know what a big cheering section our amazing little guy has behind him!  We are so very excited to share our wonderful news with all of Joshua's supporters.

Smashing his cake with chicken and gravy frosting since he can't have icing.  Joshua didn't care!
The four great grandmothers!
Love this face when he first figures out he can move around on this new toy!