Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy 6th month birthday, Joshua!

Joshua turns 6 months old today.  I can hardly believe it!  The first six months have been the most intense emotional roller coaster I could ever imagine, but here we are today with a happy, vibrant, thriving infant.  We are truly fortunate!  There are so many people that have helped us get to this point - literally too many to personally thank.  From the nurses, doctors, and other medical staff that tend to Joshua's health needs, to our family and friends that have showered us with visits, love, gifts, and food to the complete strangers that have donated money to help with Joshua's medical expenses, we would like to express our profound gratitude.  We can never adequately convey our appreciation.

Joshua has stolen so many hearts and I know he will continue to do so with his charming personality and eager smile.  I am often asked by people if Joshua is "always this happy".  And the answer is Yes, unless he is tired, hungry, or pooping, he is a joyful little boy.  My pride and love for him are overwhelming.  Six months ago today we had the immense fortune of meeting our amazing, beat the odds, Superman of a son.  Our lives will never be the same.       


  1. Happy SIX months Joshua!!!! Kristi, this post was so beautifully written! I shared it at work last night and everyone was so touched by your words about your precious son! We are so happy that Joshua continues to thrive! There is no doubt that God had a very special plan for your incredible boy from day 1!! He is truly a miracle!

    Keep the pictures and posts coming!

    Nurse Jaime

  2. Happy 1/2 birthday Joshua!!! My goodness that boy looks likes his daddy - but even more handsome:)
