Monday, March 19, 2012

News no parent wants to hear

We received devastating news at our 18 week ultrasound today.  David and I were so upbeat and eagerly anticipating news of the baby's gender, unfortunately the news it is a boy was completely overshadowed by the unfortunate diagnosis we received.  Our son has a relatively rare condition called gastroschisis.  This is a type of abdominal wall defect where the abdomen fails to close leaving a small hole that allows internal organs to be outside the baby's body floating in the amniotic fluid.  There is a range of severity for the condition which cannot be fully known until the baby is born.  The doctor told us he also has multiple choroid plexus cysts which are cysts in the part of the brain responsible for producing cerebrospinal fluid.  I really couldn't take in any more information past the gastroschisis diagnosis so all I remember is that choroid plexus cysts are relatively common (1-2% of all pregnancies) and will most likely resolve on their own before the baby is born.  Because the baby has two structural defects, the doctor is concerned a genetic abnormality is involved and highly recommended I have an amniocentesis to provide us with definitive information about chromosomal integrity.  The phrase the doctor used, "incompatible with life" keeps repeating over and over in my head.  This can't be possible!  Our struggle was about getting pregnant, I assumed that once we got past that challenge everything was going to be fine.  Smiles and laughter have been replaced with tears and silence in our household.  The helplessness and despair we feel is indescribable.

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